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Are You Ready for Microsoft Copilot? Copilot Brings Generative AI to the 365 Environment

February 22, 2024

Microsoft (MS) 365 Copilot is emerging as a groundbreaking tool, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the government sector. Microsoft’s 365 Copilot, an Azure Open AI model, is positioned for release later this year, which can transform the way government agencies operate, including security and productivity.

How Does Copilot Work?

Copilot includes a chatbot sidebar in M365 that can perform work tasks, such as writing emails, creating document text/slides, taking actions in Excel, as well as any custom actions created in Copilot Studio, which can also use custom connectors. Copilot offers a blend of sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities with the trusted productivity suite of Microsoft 365. 

Copilot also interacts with Microsoft Office apps and Power Automate.


Benefits Delivered by Copilot


AI Gets to Know You


Sure, this can seem kind of creepy, but Copilot embedded in Microsoft 365 helps capitalize on all the MS apps, learning individual preferences and tailoring suggestions for the user, based on inputs. It can also guide users on a learning journey, elevating skill and knowledge.


Is Microsoft Copilot a Fortress, Protecting Your Proprietary Information?


All reports to date indicate it is providing a high level of security within your enterprise. We all know, there are bad actors continuously threatening the safety and security of information and some environments are more secure than others.

As a government partner, Microsoft is embedded in the governmental agency infrastructure and must continually meet stringent security requirements across all levels of secure information management. Does Copilot have vulnerabilities? Looks like Microsoft has employed significant encryption, access controls, and data classifications to protect your data from threats.

Want to see if it is a good fit for your enterprise, or integrate it into your work environment? TechTrend stands ready to guide you through the process of integrating Copilot into your environment, explore the potential ROI, and support security and productivity. Contact us today to learn more.

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